Things and stuff and things.
Tatiora's Articles » Page 7
March 2, 2022 by Tatiora
The February feature update for Windows 11 appears to be causing some issues for users by causing the Start menu to disappear as soon as a mouse hovers over it. This is apparently caused by a conflict with widgets trying to appear at the same time. The issues with the update were reported on by TechRadar  on Monday. "It's certainly a frustrating bug, and it raises the question of why wasn't this fixed before the February update landed? The Taskbar and the Start menu have both seen...
February 24, 2022 by Tatiora
Perhaps the civilization with the most tragic backstory, the Manti Cluster is an Aquatic race that’s brand new to Galactic Civilizations IV. The game is now in beta and this civilization - along with over a dozen others! - is available to play right now. Let’s take a look at the Manti Cluster and what they bring to the game. The Manti were naive.  They will be the first to admit their folly, to acknowledge that their naivety cost them so dearly that they are stil...
February 23, 2022 by Tatiora
Are you allured by the siren song of a mint condition retro game? If so, a haul of sealed classic video games from a store that closed back in the 90's might pique your interest. Check out the video below! A video game retailer based out of Nebraska called Gameroom posted the above haul recently. Chris Thompson, who owns the store and is serving as a liaison for the sale, said that the collection's owner wishes to remain anonymous and originally came into the store just wanting to get a ...
February 17, 2022 by Tatiora
Galactic Civilizations IV is in beta right now and moving on toward release! Although we’ve been introducing plenty of new civilizations into the game, we have made sure not to neglect some of our classics who have been around since the very beginning. This week, we’re going to talk a bit about the Terran Alliance and what their place is on the galactic scene. The Terrans are the youngest civilizations in the galaxy and are known almost as much for their professed love o...
February 16, 2022 by Tatiora
A  lot  of new shows and movies were showcased this past Sunday during the Super Bowl. From Amazon Prime's upcoming  The Lord of the Rings  series to Marvel's  Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness , I almost gave myself whiplash when I was catching up on everything I'd missed! I'm not much of a sports fan and I don't have cable, so I opted to have dinner and play board games with friends instead of tuning in - but hey, that's what YouTube is for, right? Her...
February 10, 2022 by Tatiora
The Galactic Civilizations series has existed since the OS/2 days and has a long and storied history spanning the last 25+ years. Galactic Civilizations IV is on the horizon and it contains many beloved and established civilizations from previous versions of the game. GalCiv IV also happens to include several brand-new civilizations, perhaps the cutest of which - at least, in my opinion - are the Mimot Brotherhood. The Mimots evolved on a planet with five other species, but are now ...
February 9, 2022 by Tatiora
I first learned about Wordle on Facebook when I started seeing all these strange-patterned images show up on my feed. You would think that, with me being a word person, I'm inherently good at games like this, but the truth is...I'm not. I am routinely trounced in Scrabble. I may have an absolute lexicon of words floating around in this head of mine, but ask me to scramble limited letters around to make one and I come up dry, apparently! If you're unfamiliar with the game, it's a daily wo...
February 3, 2022 by Tatiora
About a week ago, we released Galactic Civilizations IV into beta . Since then, more videos from our YouTube and Twitch friends have been rolling in, and we’ve really enjoyed seeing all of the gameplay and hearing all of the feedback! The alpha testing phase for GalCiv IV was awesome and we were able to implement a lot of great player feedback during that time because we had such an active and vocal community. We’ve put out an update to the beta today , too, which incl...
February 2, 2022 by Tatiora
I have plenty of fond childhood memories of building things out of LEGO bricks with my family. Even in my adulthood, I find that I still enjoy building the occasional set - but it's a lot less freeform than I remember! I prefer to follow instructions and create what's laid out for me; I never had enough creativity or visual foresight to build incredible things from scratch without a guide. Fortunately, there are plenty of people who exist out there who don't have my problem, and build incredi...
January 28, 2022 by Tatiora
Has anyone else been watching the Book of Boba Fett on Disney+ recently? While it's not my favorite overall out of what we've been given in Star Wars offerings so far, I'm having fun with it. I learned today that there was a game originally scheduled to give Boba Fett his time in the limelight, but unfortunately it won't ever see the light of day . Apparently, I live under a rock because the game was in development and being talked about back around E3 in 2012, but I'm only just now heari...
January 20, 2022 by Tatiora
I’m terrible at New Year’s Resolutions. The concept of picking something that I need to do or accomplish isn’t what I take issue with, nor is the idea of having a set time frame, but rather that it has to happen at the first of the year and carry on throughout the next 365 days or whatever. When I’m going to make a resolution, I have to be really ready to see it through, otherwise it’s a moot point. Picking an arbitrary time to start one - lik...
January 19, 2022 by Tatiora
Image c/o Jakud Porzyck/NurPhoto (Getty Images) Yesterday, I woke up to the surprising news that Microsoft was planning to buy Activision Blizzard. This acquisition will, according to Microsoft, grant them access to hundreds of millions of gamers and position it as "the world's third-largest gaming company by revenue, behind Tencent and Sony." A press release from Microsoft named the dollar amount and added, "Activision Blizzard is a leader in game development and interactive entertainmen...
January 13, 2022 by Tatiora
I have long found speed runs fascinating. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, the goal is for a player to get through a specific game as quickly as possible in order to beat it with the best possible time. An entire culture has popped up over the years that is centered around this activity, with many generalized and also game-specific communities. An annual charity fundraiser known as GDQ - or Games Done Quick - is in its 12th year thanks to the wonderful speedrunn...
January 12, 2022 by Tatiora
Start11 v1.1 Enhances Windows 10 and 11 Menu Styles with new Functionality Learn more about Start11 at   and view the changelog at the bottom of the post! Stardock released v1.1 of  Start11 ™ today;  Start11 is a program that allows users to customize the Windows® Start menu and taskbar for Windows 10 and 11. Start11 can make the Start menu appear as it did in previous versions of Wind...
January 12, 2022 by Tatiora
I love how absolutely and utterly ridiculous cats are. The old cat meme "if it fits, I sits," rings true almost 100% of the time. I know that my own cat will wiggle her way into positions that my body starts aching just at the mere thought of. All this is to say that I take great delight in seeing what kinds of shenanigans animals get up to when left to their own devices, which is the case here. I found an article while browsing on Gizmodo about Starlink's Internet satellite dishes and how...